CVS for Dummies

Other MRSRL CVS Links

This is the most brief "Getting started" guide to CVS.

1. Get a working copy

To create the working directory in your home directory on linux, run:

cd ~
cvs -d /mrsrl/home/cvs/depot checkout valve02

2. To Update the Copy

At any time, go the valve02 directory that was created above and run

cvs update

This will copy any updates that other people have made to the files in your working directory.
You should always run cvs update before you make changes to a file.

3. Making Changes

Now let's say you modified the file D1.tex. To add those changes to the master copy, run

cvs commit D1.tex

You will be asked to type in a message. Please make the message useful to others...

4. Other Things?

See the Other MRSRL CVS Links.