Valhallas Photos

In early Februarly I joined a hardy bunch for their annual trip to the Valhalla range in B.C. Well... the photos just speak for themselves. I should put some more up here when I get a moment. Thanks to Claudia for these.

We spent two days skiing this slope, called Star Saphire. It was as good as it looks!

Don heads down on the Sunny Saphire side near the end of the day.

I followed Denis and Pete down this quick morning run as we let the rest of the group break trail further up!

Pretty lucky with the weather - this was as cloudy as it got. I got last tracks on this run. But who's complaining??

The alpine-touring guys had so much energy at the end of a day that they had to test how well their gear could withstand big air.

And some days we just didn't want to go home. (okay, I sometimes did, but wouldn't admit it!)

There was also one of me taking a face-plant. Yeah right! I'm gonna put it on the web?!!